Gift Card

A Gift Card for your loved one. A perfect way to remember.

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Product Information

These gift cards give recipients the opportunity to book our guest message phones for their special day.
Additional Info

Give the gift of cherished memories with a Telephone Guestbook E-Gift Card. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, our customizable e-gift cards allow you to select the perfect amount, starting from $50 up to any custom value you desire.

With a Telephone Guestbook Gift Card, your friends or family can rent our Telephone Guestbook service, enabling them to preserve the heartfelt messages and well-wishes of their loved ones in a unique and timeless way. Whether it's capturing the laughter, tears, or words of wisdom, our service ensures that every precious memory is safely stored and easily accessible for years to come.

Surprise the happy couple or your loved ones with a gift that truly keeps on giving. Give them the flexibility to relive their special day through the voices of those they hold dear with a Telephone Guestbook Gift Card.

You can upload your own photo and message which they will receive as an E-Gift Card email. You can also select the date they receive this too! Please note that the sooner they receive their unique code in the e-card we send, the sooner they can choose their preferred phone style.

Gift Cards Codes will last for 24 months from the date of purchase.

